Things I wish I could build...

Sunday, May 1

Sea Code - an insane idea that just might make sense

If you have huge amounts of money to invest, this might be a nice idea to copy.. Certainly out of my budget, but I might consider working in one.

There is a huge debate in the States about pros and cons of outsourcing to offshore companies. The countries are too far, the company does not have enough control over offshore workers, the amount of money that goes into other countries is huge and so on. Two guys had an idea: Buy a huge cruiser, park (or anchor) it in international waters as close as possible to the shore and fill it with coders!
The cruiser

Not instant success yet, but the idea is sure valid. It negates just about all the cons of outsourcing. They don't have any customers yet but they are recruiting. Check out their website if you are interested.
The location, 2 miles from LA

1 Your thoughts:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting. Thanks for the article.

You can also find call center outsourcing at

5:25 AM


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